The Resultt System is the study of Physiology, Human Anatomy, Nutrition, Body Alignment, Brain Repatterning and the facilitation of Resultt sessions using Kinesiology. Resultt is a non-intrusive system using Kinesiology (biofeedback via muscle testing) to identify and release stressors at a cellular level from the body, allowing the body to operate at the highest levels of efficiency possible.

Resultt Session:- Using Kinesiology to identify stressors on various levels (Physical, Nutritional, Emotional, Electrical and others), and make the necessary corrections for their release.

Body Alignment:- Using Kinesiology to identify stressors on a physcal level, align the body by applying the appropriate corrections and release stressors to allow the body to function at its optimum potential. Body Alignments are beneficial for pain management.

Brain Repatterning:- Using Kinesiology, to identify dominance’s and modalities, and release associated stressors. The integration of the left and right hemispheres of the brain provides equal access to both hemispheres simultaneously, allowing for optimum processing. Some of the benefits are improved focus, mental clarity, memory, comprehension, and a feeling of well being.

Tasks that formerly required more energy will require less and stressful situations will not affect the person at the same degree as before the Brain Repatterning. A person only requires repatterning once; whereas Resultt Sessions and Body Alignments may be required, as often as needed to keep the body, mind and spirit operating at its normal state of good health.

Children report improvement in grades. Teachers report positive changes in behavior in the classroom. And, adults report improved efficiency with less stress in the work place and relationships. The Resultt System also has a very positive affect on conditions such as Chemical Imbalance, Learning Disorders, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), PTS (Post Traumatic Stress), Alcoholism, Abuse Victims, Anger Management, and more.

Margaret Fields Keane developed the Resultt System, a technique that enables anyone to access the wisdom of inner knowing. Her system of healing took off, hundreds were trained, thousands were healed. She even took the system to Africa where she trained the native healers of Swaziland and Transkei. Countless people owe their good health to this woman, and countless more continue to be touched by her generosity of spirit, her love, her gentle ways, her joy. If there was ever an angel on earth, it was Margaret Fields Kean.